AMSOIL’S Transmission Fluids which was and is the 1st Synthetic Trans. oil on the market will always let your automatic, power shift & manual transmissions shift smoother. Your transmission will always shift easier and engage firmly without slipping whether it’s your daily driver or race car. Your transmission will always operate at least a minimum of 20 degrees F cooler and the friction discs & plates on your automatic transmissions will stay clean and will not slip because there are no waxes in AMSOIL lubricants. AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants always Operate at a lower temperature (20F to 50F lower on average), lower pour point Temperatures, so the transmission pump picks up the oil for quicker lubrication. AMSOIL also has 75% more protection. Be sure to change your transmission fluids on a regular basis, check your maintenance manual for the correct drain intervals whether they are severe or light duty cycle. Drain intervals depend on loads, towing and operating conditions. Be sure to be informed & don’t buy into those manufactures that claim your transmission fluid is filled for life; this only means until it fails prematurely or when the warranty is gone! Do you wash your dirty dishes in the same water? All fluids always get contaminated over time!

Current Gasoline Engine Oil Spec’s

When you’re ready purchase engine lubricants (oil) for your internal combustion diesel, gasoline, hybrid, propane, or natural gas engines. Be absolutely sure it meets the correct & current recommended oil specifications (API) American Petroleum Insititute for your vehicle’s engine, since the lubricant specifications are always changing and will change in the coming years. Be sure to use the absolute best, AMSOIL will increase your fuel economy. Use… Continue reading

Remembering AMSOIL’S Founder

Mr. Al Amatuzio was a great Human being, character & integrity being his main focus. Mr Amatuzio manufactured a superior product, AMSOIL. He put others first, had great insight, character and integrity . Read Here! I had the privilege of personally meeting him!… Continue reading


New diesel engine oil spec’s were last introduced in late 2017 and they are changing continually. The CK-4 & FA-4 are for all newer diesel vehicles in the United States. The CK-4 spec is backwards compatible & the FA-4 is designed only for some 2017 and newer diesel engines (it is a lower viscosity) and AMSOIL has manufactured it and other spec’s now… Continue reading

Firearm Protection is Here from AMSOIL

Firearm owners, enthusiasts, collectors, marksmen, hunters, professionals, and those who fast draw; AMSOIL is for anyone who owns or uses a firearm. AMSOIL has the ultimate in cleaning & lubricating products for every one of your firearms, AMSOIL products are the top of the line & heads & tails above other products, experience the difference with AMSOIL

Become A Member & Buy at Wholesale

AMSOIL offers to anyone & everyone the opportunity to become a preferred customer (member), it’s so easy. As a member you are always able to buy all of AMSOIL products at membership cost for themselves, (wholesale), you will save around 25% to 30%. AMSOIL also at times offers special promotional points and promotions toward future purchases discounts, referral… Continue reading

Small Engine Oils

AMSOIL designs & manufacturers the ultimate in small engine oils for any and every possible small engine manufactured. So be sure to use the Best & “First in Synthetics” & change your oil to AMSOILAMSOIL has always been the leader & manufactures the absolute best products available. Whether it is for your… Continue reading

Vehicles with Diesel Particulate Filters

In 2007 highway diesel vehicles in the United States where mandated by federal law and to use DPF’s (diesel particulate filters) in the United States. Also, all off-road, heavy equipment & farm machinery and industrial engines in 2012 over a specified horsepower, (25 HP & above) was also mandated by Federal Law. During normal operation the DPF’s do a superb job in cleaning the exhaust contaminants (NOX)… Continue reading

Two Stroke Engines

AMSOIL has always been #1 and will continue to be the FIRST, AMSOIL has manufactured and designed the ultimate protection in their 2 stroke oils for every 2-cycle engine application. AMSOIL still continues to lead the industry in all oils. AMSOIL is absolutely the most cost-effective oils on the market and has always been the leader in 2… Continue reading